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Coronation Street : 14th May 1993
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: 14th May 1993
Season: 34
Episode Nr: 58
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Derek is furious when Des helps Doug, cooking for him and letting him use his facilities. Neil is fed up of Angie going on about his obsession with Denise. He tells her that he\'s had enough of her nagging. Derek annoys Des by going on about Doug\'s dormobile. Des promises him that he\'ll get Doug to move it. Maureen returns to Bettabuy. Des takes Doug on as a lodger, taking the dormobile for the first two weeks rent. Reg tells Maud that he is marrying Maureen. He assures her that they will look after her after the wedding. He threatens to take Maureen away for good if she continues to try to split them up. Emily gives Percy his first driving lesson. Gordon Blinkhorn takes Raquel to Weatherfield Comprehensive to see Wayne Farrell coach pupils. She is stunned to see Wayne with his \"minder\" Serena Black. Des hires a crane to move the dormobile. Reg announces his engagement in the Rovers. Rita can\'t believe anyone would take him on. Derek is thrilled to see the dormobile has been moved until he discovers it dumped in his back garden. Mavis becomes hysterical.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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